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Peter Royen


Peter Royen was born in Amsterdam in 1923. From 1946 to 1949 he studies under Otto Pankok at the Dusseldorf Art Academy.  Between 1949 and 1953 he is a member of the Rhenish Secession and from 1956 also of the Gruppe 53 (with Peter Brüning, Winfried Gaul, Karl Fred Dahmen and others). 1957 he organises the Farbspiele [play of colours] and produces an abstract film which was rated "of special merit" by the culture secretary for North Rhine-Westphalia. In 1958 he receives the Jan Wellem Prize of the City of Dusseldorf and the following year the sponsorship award of the Grand Art Prize of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. In 1960 he becomes a member of the Group Europa. In 1962  Royen designs and executes the interior decoration of the Masonic lodge in Duisburg, and in 1966 the surrounding gable wall of the Kö-Center in Dusseldorf (the wall was destroyed in the course of later reconstruction work). In 1972 he gains third prize in the competition for the interior decoration of the Grevenbroich municipal savings bank. In 1974 as successor to Gyorgy Kepes, he is appointed to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as Professor of Environmental Art and Director of the Center for Advanced Visual Studies. In 1977 he awards first prize in a competition entitled Object with Water for Dusseldorf-Garath (not implemented) and contributes a screen-print to the graphic art portfolio of the Antwerp Cathedral Guild. In 1981 together with Otto Piene and others, he participates in the first Sky Art Conference at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT. In 1984 he is awarded the Federal Cross of Merit. From 1989 to 1990  he holds the chair of the Advisory Board for planning and preparation at the Cologne Academy of Media Arts (KHM) and member of the Board of Trustees for the new Center for Art and Media Technology (ZKM) in Karlsruhe. In 1996  he receives the Honorary Award of the Villa Massimo in Rome. From March 2003 on he is an honorary member of the Malkasten artists' association in Dusseldorf. In 2013 he is honoured with the Artist Award of the Dusseldorf Artists. That same year, Peter Royen dies in Dusseldorf.

Exhibitions (Selection)

1949 & 1951 Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf   |   1951 Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen   |   1953 Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf  |   1954 Städtische Galerie Schloss Oberhausen, Oberhausen (mit Hans Ulrich Schmidt und Herbert Zangs / Museo d’Arte de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo / Kramer-Museum, Kempen   |   1955 Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf   |   1956 Düsseldorfer Künstler, Kunstverein Lünen (mit Maria Fuss, Herbert Zangs, u.a.)   |   ​​​​​​​1957 Galerie Schmela, Düsseldorf (mit Heinz Mack) / Galerie Ex Libris, Brüssel / Galerie May, Toronto 1958 Gruppe 53 / Moderne Kunst in Wuppertaler Privatbesitz, Städtisches Museum, Wuppertal   |   1959 Galerie Diogenes, Berlin / Gruppe 53, Kulturhaus Ludwigshafen & Kunsthalle Düsseldorf / Deutsche Graphik, Goethe-Institut Hongkong und Singapur / Malerei. Plastik. Graphik, Galerie im Atelier, Berlin (u.a mit Günther Grass, Otto Fiebig, Otto Piene)  |   1961 Kunstmuseum, St. Gallen   |   1962 Kunstenaars uit Düsseldorf, Museum voor Schoone Kunste, Oostende, Belgien / Galerie Küppers, Köln   |   1963 Galerie Numaga, La Chaux-de-Fonds 1964 American Art Gallery, Kopenhagen / Peter Stuyvesant-Collectie, Adelaide, Australien   |   ​​​​​​​1965 Royen-Collagen 64-65, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf   |   1967 Arbeiten am Black Gate Theatre, New York, mit Aldo Tambellini   |   1968 Städtische Kunsthalle Recklinghausen   |   ​​​​​​​1977 Peter Royen – Horizonte. Gemälde 1972 - 1977, Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf   |   1984 Galerie Schoeller, Düsseldorf (mit Bob Bonies)   |   1986 Relief, Galerie La Cité (mit Oskar Holweck)   |   1992 Kunsthalle Kobe, Kobe / Oxy-Gallery, Osaka   |   1993 Peter Royen und Freunde, Städtische Kunsthalle Düsseldorf 1995 Musée Jenisch, Vevey / Schweiz   |   ​​​​​​​1997 Peter Royen – Weißkörperbild, Staatliche Kunsthalle – Forum Rotunde, Karlsruhe   |   1999 Konkrete Kunst in Europa, Kunsthalle Karlsruhe   |   2000 Kunstverein Kjub Köln (mit Ernst Hesse)   |   2002 Hommage aan Mondriaan, Museum Mondriaanhuis, Amersfoort, Niederlande   |   2003 Peter Royen, Künstler Verein Malkasten, Düsseldorf   |   2004 Neuerwerbungen zeitgenössischer Kunst 1995 – 2004, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe   |   2018 – 2019 Wiederentdeckt! Peter Royen, Museum DKM, Duisburg   |   2019 Schwarz / Weiss - Peter Royen trifft, Dierking, Zurich.

21. Nov -

Cologne Fine Art & Design 2019

Peter Royen


Peter Royen was born in Amsterdam in 1923. From 1946 to 1949 he studies under Otto Pankok at the Dusseldorf Art Academy.  Between 1949 and 1953 he is a member of the Rhenish Secession and from 1956 also of the Gruppe 53 (with Peter Brüning, Winfried Gaul, Karl Fred Dahmen and others). 1957 he organises the Farbspiele [play of colours] and produces an abstract film which was rated "of special merit" by the culture secretary for North Rhine-Westphalia. In 1958 he receives the Jan Wellem Prize of the City of Dusseldorf and the following year the sponsorship award of the Grand Art Prize of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. In 1960 he becomes a member of the Group Europa. In 1962  Royen designs and executes the interior decoration of the Masonic lodge in Duisburg, and in 1966 the surrounding gable wall of the Kö-Center in Dusseldorf (the wall was destroyed in the course of later reconstruction work). In 1972 he gains third prize in the competition for the interior decoration of the Grevenbroich municipal savings bank. In 1974 as successor to Gyorgy Kepes, he is appointed to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as Professor of Environmental Art and Director of the Center for Advanced Visual Studies. In 1977 he awards first prize in a competition entitled Object with Water for Dusseldorf-Garath (not implemented) and contributes a screen-print to the graphic art portfolio of the Antwerp Cathedral Guild. In 1981 together with Otto Piene and others, he participates in the first Sky Art Conference at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT. In 1984 he is awarded the Federal Cross of Merit. From 1989 to 1990  he holds the chair of the Advisory Board for planning and preparation at the Cologne Academy of Media Arts (KHM) and member of the Board of Trustees for the new Center for Art and Media Technology (ZKM) in Karlsruhe. In 1996  he receives the Honorary Award of the Villa Massimo in Rome. From March 2003 on he is an honorary member of the Malkasten artists' association in Dusseldorf. In 2013 he is honoured with the Artist Award of the Dusseldorf Artists. That same year, Peter Royen dies in Dusseldorf.

Exhibitions (Selection)

1949 & 1951 Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf   |   1951 Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen   |   1953 Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf  |   1954 Städtische Galerie Schloss Oberhausen, Oberhausen (mit Hans Ulrich Schmidt und Herbert Zangs / Museo d’Arte de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo / Kramer-Museum, Kempen   |   1955 Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf   |   1956 Düsseldorfer Künstler, Kunstverein Lünen (mit Maria Fuss, Herbert Zangs, u.a.)   |   ​​​​​​​1957 Galerie Schmela, Düsseldorf (mit Heinz Mack) / Galerie Ex Libris, Brüssel / Galerie May, Toronto 1958 Gruppe 53 / Moderne Kunst in Wuppertaler Privatbesitz, Städtisches Museum, Wuppertal   |   1959 Galerie Diogenes, Berlin / Gruppe 53, Kulturhaus Ludwigshafen & Kunsthalle Düsseldorf / Deutsche Graphik, Goethe-Institut Hongkong und Singapur / Malerei. Plastik. Graphik, Galerie im Atelier, Berlin (u.a mit Günther Grass, Otto Fiebig, Otto Piene)  |   1961 Kunstmuseum, St. Gallen   |   1962 Kunstenaars uit Düsseldorf, Museum voor Schoone Kunste, Oostende, Belgien / Galerie Küppers, Köln   |   1963 Galerie Numaga, La Chaux-de-Fonds 1964 American Art Gallery, Kopenhagen / Peter Stuyvesant-Collectie, Adelaide, Australien   |   ​​​​​​​1965 Royen-Collagen 64-65, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf   |   1967 Arbeiten am Black Gate Theatre, New York, mit Aldo Tambellini   |   1968 Städtische Kunsthalle Recklinghausen   |   ​​​​​​​1977 Peter Royen – Horizonte. Gemälde 1972 - 1977, Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf   |   1984 Galerie Schoeller, Düsseldorf (mit Bob Bonies)   |   1986 Relief, Galerie La Cité (mit Oskar Holweck)   |   1992 Kunsthalle Kobe, Kobe / Oxy-Gallery, Osaka   |   1993 Peter Royen und Freunde, Städtische Kunsthalle Düsseldorf 1995 Musée Jenisch, Vevey / Schweiz   |   ​​​​​​​1997 Peter Royen – Weißkörperbild, Staatliche Kunsthalle – Forum Rotunde, Karlsruhe   |   1999 Konkrete Kunst in Europa, Kunsthalle Karlsruhe   |   2000 Kunstverein Kjub Köln (mit Ernst Hesse)   |   2002 Hommage aan Mondriaan, Museum Mondriaanhuis, Amersfoort, Niederlande   |   2003 Peter Royen, Künstler Verein Malkasten, Düsseldorf   |   2004 Neuerwerbungen zeitgenössischer Kunst 1995 – 2004, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe   |   2018 – 2019 Wiederentdeckt! Peter Royen, Museum DKM, Duisburg   |   2019 Schwarz / Weiss - Peter Royen trifft, Dierking, Zurich.

21. Nov -

Cologne Fine Art & Design 2019
21. Nov -

Cologne Fine Art & Design 2019



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Wednesday - Friday
12 PM - 6 PM 
& by appointment

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